Never in my mind doing blogging becoming addiction. Blogging is just like my second diary or should i say digital diary. With blog i can share, write everything what i like, anything and everything, except personal life such as love life, ups.... Im soo surprise when I saw new thingy in blogspot, statistik. Wow, never in my mind, someone across the world read my blog. And when I click who is my audience or poeps who view my blog, surprise!. I never thought someone who live in Great Britain read my blog!. With blogging, everything impossible can be happen into your REAL life. This is happen to me, is about past 2-3 month ago, there's is clothing line from Europe was invited me to they grand launching party in Berlin. Such honour, but since i dont have money to catch flight to Berlin. But I feel honour with their invitation. Please, who the hell are me?, Im not celebrity, famous fashion blogger or super stylish and rich fashion blogger who wear branded stuff from head to toe!. Im not Sussie Bubble, Karla Deras, Bryan Boy or The man behind Face Hunter and The Sartorialist. But from the nothing me becoming something for several poeps, maybe?. thank you very much for all my audience who read or view my blog even I know my english sucks! really sucks, I guess, but I still learning to do the best.
Oke enough for introduction speech, now, something across my mind are, : have you ever dreaming about date with ur fave character on comics?. Hmm... take example, like date with Peter parker or Clark kent. Lately, I've been interest with manga. Yeah you know something like anime, Japan comics blah blah.... Actually, Im not into manga too much, everytime I go to bookstore, I always found loooooooooots new comics about love!. Yikes!, Im just to bored and too 'old' read about love love or pre-teen, teenage romance, ugh!. Just enough with Twilight something!. Now, I need read about 'adult' something. lately I found new interest read comics about shinigami or should I say the god of death. (Isn't rite?). This 'adult' content already give me another 'pleasure'. If i found new pleasure with smoking, read this 'adult' level comis, already help me to develop my mind?, try to understand that adult life is going difficult with different enthusiasm. Ough, my words going weird, huh?. Oke back to topic, oke, my dreaming date from manga character are ; Kakashi from Naruto and Ichigo from Bleach. HA HA, this is so silly i dreaming about that, but just for fun. I will tell the reason why I having crush with the boys...
the Boys
Kakashi- NARUTO
why i love? because he wearing gloves and mask and oh, i just looooove his hair toooo. he just trendy ninja eveeer, errrh...
Ichigo - from BLEACH
Why? what more cool ever than see guys wearing black and black. And his kimono, somehow looks menly, uhm really? HA HA HA.....
Is there any real or normal guy with 'good looking' dress like them? uhm, but im not talking about cosplay, okay?... hehehe....