Jumat, 25 Desember 2009


I know I might be lovely, effort, worthed for someone.. Tapi untuk sementara ini gw bahkan tidak merasakan itu semua. There's no nicely messages or phone call or what the fuk? Wajarlah gw berfikir seperti itu, after nice attention that I give 4 that person.. Anehnya, gw merasa seperti harus memulai dari 0 lagi?, SUCKS!. Lho? should I enjoy the result or supposed I?.. Hhhh, I just tired being pleasing 4 that person. But I dont want to stop. Maybe I feel disappointed rite know cuz my silly mindset. Thats all.. But the Q is ; oke Mr. if I made for effort, show me, Or maybe you just too idiot to even thinking about it. oow I hate this feeling.. I just want to say ; ' bahasa tubuh tidak pernah bisa bohong dan mata ini di beri kemampuan untuk menganalisa'...
So, watchout ur step !.

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